Feb 11, 2011

This Week In Finds: Week #1

If you can't already tell, I'm an avid collector of  other people's trash. Be it cool old kitschy stuff or literal trash, I love it! I frequent many a thrift store, junk hole, garbage sale, estate sale and dumpster during any given week. Starvation Army, Badwill, Volunqueers of America, you know the places. Soooo, I guess I might keep ya updated on my weekly finds, interesting or otherwise!

I dunno who this dapper dude is, but I like him. I actually had to think about whether he was in fact cool enough to snag or not, but I'm glad I did! He's a bank too.

That irreverence, that wit. I'd recognize it anywhere. It's a Ziggy!

My new favorite mug. Imagine drinking ice cold root brewski outta this baby!

A Tasco periscope. I can't figure out if this is old or not, I'm getting conflicting facts from Ebay. Anywho, I guess it's pretty cool for 86 cents. This will come in handy in the middle of a snowball battle, peering from behind my snow fortress wall.

This cassette contains Christmas music from the future.

Easyrider's Video Magazine. Video magazines must have been pretty popular in the late 80's-early 90's, as I've seen many of them on various subjects. This was the most entertaining video I've seen in a long time (that is, when the tracking started working!). Ugly biker chicks flashing their saggy boobs, a scary-ass biker comedian, Skanky bar chicks dumping beer all over their bodies, crazy dudes jamming bikes through the mud, tanks and flame-throwing robots....Oh and let's not forget the "Biker Home Videos".

Yes, that's Al from "Home Improvement" and Dave Thomas of "Bob and Doug McKenzie" fame. This is one of those super cheesy Feature Films for Families tapes. I can pretty much guess the plot from the cover art, and I'm pretty sure little else happens. I haven't watched this one yet, not cuz I'm afraid it will suck, but cuz I'm afraid I'll like it.

Detail of the cover art: Notice the "Scan-A-Scam" scanner and the gloriously ancient computer.

1 comment:

  1. Where to start?

    1) I super duper love the little sad dogs behind your ziggy pic. They are slightly more upbeat than Ziggy himself. Man, who thought it would be funny to make a cartoon about a manic depressive gnome?

    2) A Periscope???? -Nuff said!

    3) I want to watch the Biker VHS BADD!!! I stumbled upon some old Easy Rider mags at a yard sale, I only bought a couple from the hundreds they had...I should have gotten them all. It is really a slice of trashy heaven!

    4) Picture Perfect looks aweful for sure. Did they even have Photoshop in 1989? That family photo merge would have taken a week to make with MS Paint, "Scan-A-Scam" or not! LOL!
