Feb 16, 2011


When I was just a wee little tike, my favorite food on earth was Chef Boy-ar-dee Ravioli. Whenever my folks gave me the choice of what I wanted for my birthday dinner, I always chose this stuff (much to their dismay), even into my teen years! Nowadays it pretty much grosses me out though, hahahaaa!


  1. I used to love that stuff too! I tried it as an adult and was really grossed out, no flavor! I guess as a kid your taste buds wouldn't dig any spices. I super love your banner up there! You gotta tell me the secret coding to make it look die-cut over your background. I totally dig it!

  2. Yehch! Sick! That looks real sick and paste-like sludge sauce. I feel bad but that kid kinda reminds me of batboy!

    Yeah that's a nice banner ya got there! I need to freshen up my styles again.
