Jan 31, 2011

Children of the Flaming Wheel

The following is an excerpt from Spirit World #1 Fall, 1971. Spirit World was the brainchild of the legendary comic artist Jack Kirby and only made it as far as the first issue.

Kirby was a pioneer in more ways than one. Aside from the fact that he was one of the greatest comic illustrators of all time, he also incorporated far out collages into his work on occasion. This is my favorite shot from the spread and it showcases a little bit of Jack's great collage work. It really blows my mind!


This is one of those cheapo drug store coloring books I had so many of growing up as a kid. Somehow this one survived without being colored in, scribbled in or torn to bits.  99 cents seems a little steep to me for 1985, though. Sheesh!

As apposed to a casual freedom fighter.

 I can see you! Might wanna try a little harder....

 Gee, what could it be?

 "Perilous" missions? Looks like Rambo gets the shit missions to me!

 .....luckily it wasn't too hard

I remember getting one of these at Walgreen's when I was a little dude, probably the crappy binoculars and compass set. Hahahaaa! I do remember staring at this picture for hours and dreaming....

Jan 30, 2011

Mike Shayne Pulp Covers

I'm assuming by the titles that everyone dies by the end.

FOUND: August 29, 1987

Found in a typewriter at a church rummage sale. This historical document recounts the world changing events that happened on the day of August 29th, 1987. Page two is a comprehensive list of the most important pop songs of all time. These are the documents the government doesn't want YOU to know exist! Eat your heart out WikiLeaks!

Jan 29, 2011

Estate Sale Finds Jan 28

Thursday I went to a very cool estate sale with my folks and found a couple nice items but not much. I guess I feel kind of overwhelmed at these sales sometimes and miss out on great stuff that requires a little more searchin' and diggin'. So, I almost always go back later when the crowds have died down and I have a clearer focus....and for the most part, I usually find the best things on my return visit. Here is some of what I found:

 A bunch of 60's-70's Down Beat Magazines. These cover Jazz, Blues and even Rock music. They are a very cool read and have great pictures and ads for vintage music gear. I will be sharing more from these later on.

A big leather wallet. I mean REALLY big at almost 6" long! I have been needing a better wallet anyways and I like these big "pass case" styled ones. 

 A Hot Wheels Trantula Dragster from the 60's. It's a shame that its busted up and missing some parts, but I couldn't pass it up for next to nothin'.

 A couple vintage Gillette razors. The one in back is adjustable. Not sure if these are for sellin' or keepin' yet.

The elusive two-headed Troll doll. Most likely from the 60's or 70's. I've seen a lot of Trolls but never a two-header. Weird! Buried at the bottom of a box of clothes in the attic, I rescued this dude so he could tell his story.

A very psychedelic piece of Beatles sheet music. Oddly enough "And I Love Her" is a very un-psychedelic song from the groups earlier days.

I found a pile of these business cards for the Billy Lewis Quartet. The deceased (Floyd Mooreland of Flint MI) was a sax player (and one hell of a player at that) and played with many groups. I heard that he even played with some of the greats when they rolled through town. I really don't know if the sax player in the pic is him or not though. That leads me to the best of my finds...

A box of 1/4 inch Reel to Reel tapes containing one of a kind live recordings of a group called the Four Gents recorded in 1970 and 1976. These are really great sounding (most likely soundboard) recordings of the group playing jazz, soul, r&b and more. Really an enjoyable listen and hours of it too. One of the best performances I listened to so far was a really smooth jazz interpretation of the Beatles' Eleanor Rigby. There were also literally hundreds of cassettes of live recordings too from later years. I hope that they will get into the right hands and not be lost forever. I'm so glad I went back to the sale!

Jan 28, 2011


Thunder rolls, and the Empire strikes.....

Jan 27, 2011

Oh Baby.....

I wanna git witcha, and take yo pitcha....

FOUND: Trash Picker and the Summons

Apparently in the days of yore, record album sleeves were a great place to stash stuff. On many occasions I have found things like documents, photos, letters, and even a Mary Wanna roach nestled in the gatefold of Led Zeppelin II. I do suppose that they are a perfect place to keep documents safe and flat, as long as you remember just what album you placed that all so important Dear John letter into.

Here we have what appears to be a photo of a man rifling through a trash barrel dated March of 1977 and a Court summons for intoxication dated July of '77. Are these events related in some way? Why did this person feel it necessary to preserve these for future generations inside an Elvis album sleeve? The world may never know (or care).


I found this one backstage at the local amphitheater:

I don't know what it is exactly that Tommy C does, but I'm pretty sad that I missed his show. He looks like a real entertainer. Is he a singer? A dancer? An acrobat? A magician? A comedian? My guess is that he's the "white" James Brown.

Electronic Instrument Ads

I have always been interested in vintage analog electronic instruments.
The digital age ruined everything for me. 
These are from Down Beat Magazine June 6, 1974

 Stevie Wonder was a genius and really exemplified the possibilities of electronic instruments. While many used them to make cold, futuristic sounds, Stevie brought the funk.

I have an Auto Vari 64 and it is an amazing drum machine, rivaled only by the famous Korg Mini Pops 7.

People Crackers?!

Do you think they bite the heads off first?

My Dream Machines

1972 Ford LTD Country Squire and
1972 Gran Torino Squire

 1972 Olds Custom Cruiser, Vista-Cruiser and Cutlass Cruiser

1972 Vega Kammback GT

Jan 26, 2011

It's a start.

Well, things are shaping up around here. Please let me know if these bigger images bog down the site at all. I will also be sharing great audio and visual goodies very soon. .

How to Pick Up Girls!

 Just one of the many books on the subjects of dating, sex, and sexual positions I picked up from an estate sale. This is basically the Asshole's guide to dating, but contains many humorous albeit, hard to believe anecdotes within.

These girls look kinda mean. 

An ad for another book in the series. 
I've seen a record album on this subject around too.

Jan 25, 2011

More Christian Song Books

These guys look like they are telling scary stories more than they do singing Kumbayah.
That youth leader is a little too wild eyed to be singing his many praises.....

Hmmm, interesting choice of instruments with this gang. 
Is that Neil Young? The buckskin tells me yes.

Phantom of the Disco

That coulda been one heckuva novelty disco hit!
  Too many Ghosties on tha Daaaynce Floowwoowww....


"Hey check out the douche bag! 
He just killed his girlfriend but he still can party dooooowwwnnn!"

Jan 24, 2011

Hello Friends

This here blog has been dead for quite a spell, but alas, I will have newer and bluer meanies for you soon. I'm gonna work on getting the audio files back up too. Anyone know a good place to host them and a good flash player? Also bare in mind that the site may look like crap for a bit as I work on spiffing up the place.